By Sarah Pisano
June 1, 2024
SEO. We know we need it for our fabulous website to be seen by consumers searching for our services. But, how does it work? Here's a little breakdown: 1. You get an SEO and content writing pro, like us, who understands how to properly research and write quality content. You want your content to be the most relevant and helpful for the searchers (potential clients) you are trying to attract. 2. Little bots "crawl" around the webpages, analyzing and grabbing content from your page to determine what it's about. 3. Those little bots organize and sort the information they find, by relevant search terms and phrases. 4. Based on how helpful the content appears to be at addressing certain searches, it is given a search engine ranking. In other words, the more helpful and relevant the site is (combined with how much authority it has, based on things like backlinking from other reputable & trusted sites), the higher the webpage will appear in search results for those search terms. Lucky for you, we understand this process and can do all the work for you. Give us a call 631-919-7441 or DM to chat about SEO!